Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Macbeth Act 1 Notes

The play begins with an introduction to Macbeth being seen as a brave and valient warrier.
Duncan says he will give the title of Thane of Cawdor to Macbeth
 “By each at once her choppy finger laying upon her skinny lips. You should be women, and yet that your beards forbid me to interpret....” Description of the witches.
The witches fortell that Macbeth will become the king.
Banquo insists of Macbeth knowing his future.
Macbeth sees Duncan as a threat to the thrown and his wife poisons his ear into doing what she wants in order to get more power.
Lady Macbeth wants to be a man mentally and physically. “unsex me”
When Macbeth came back, the first thing Lady Macbeth says to him is let's kill the King tonight. 
Macbeth is scared and hesitates to follow Lady Macbeth's plan to kill the King
People honors Macbeth of his success; he doesn’t want to give it away right away.
Macbeth asks “If we should fail?” and Lady Macbeth responses by if you want to do, you will not fail.
Their plan is to make Duncan and his guards drunk; make his guards felt guilty of Duncan’s death.

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