Monday, August 20, 2012

Reflections on Week 1

1. There is not much that is going to affect my participation in this class. The only things that are really going to be major is all the homework from other classes which will take up a decent amount of time and effort. Another thing that will affect it is the fact that I play sports, I currently am doing some physical activity everyday after school.

2. The best place that I ever learned something was during soccer. My Dad was the coach at the time and he showed us many different things about soccer that I am going to remember for the rest of my life. It was his way of combining fun with learning in games and activities that really helped teach me and my friends.

3. I am excited about this class for one reason and one reason only. Getting a better GPA. For me I really dislike the English subject, I have no interest in it and I just don't enjoy it. With you teaching it really does help by not making it as bad though.

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