Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tools That Change the Way We Think

How does extensive Internet/media/technology use change the way you think?

Using the internet is a major part in how I live. When I think of having fun it will most likely involve the internet in some way. If the internet was to somehow just stop it would make things very interesting. This leads me to think of all the things that would change if there was no internet. Most of the things I do in my free time involve internet and so I would have to pick up something new to do. The internet has also changed the way everyone looks things up. If we want to know something everyone is just ingrained to do a Google search. With all this being said the internet has changed the way everyone lives their lives. In some ways it makes things easier but in others it can make them more challenging.

To Facebook or Not to Facebook?

With Facebook there are many different ways that it helps you, but there are also ways that it can be harmful to you. With Facebook it is really easy for everyone to stay connected and share information even if they are halfway around the world. A problem with this is that most everyone can see this information that is being put up on Facebook. Also Facebook sells your information to companies in order for them to advertise things that you are most likely going to click on because they know things about you and are putting up incentive ads that relate to you. Reading the article really helped emphasize the ability that Facebook has at controlling what you can see when you use their website and the limited amount of privacy that makes you feel a bit more in "control" of what you think your privacy is.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hamlet Remix

I decided that for my remix I would create a meme of Hamlet using the well know "Philosoraptor". I think this fits for how high school students think of Hamlet. We all try to understand what some of it means but in the end it is just like us trying to understand what happened to the dinosaurs.

Vocab Midterm Autopsy

After I took the midterm I knew i did not do well, this is because I did not study like I should have. This was a mistake that I hope to change as soon as possible. I think if i make note cards and go over them at least every other day will help me with the next final.